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Computer architecture
Big Data
Railway rolling stock engineering
Self-driving cars
Aerial robotic systems
Electrical engineering
Entrance to the DIETI department
Plasma Modeling and Control
Artificial Intelligence
Renewable energy

PhD Program in 
Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE)

08-09-15-16-22-23/02/2024     Ad hoc course


Title: IoT Data Analysis


Lecturer:  prof. Raffaele Della Corte - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione (DIETI-UNINA)


Period: 08-09-15-16-22-23/02/2024

Assessment test:  01/03/2024 


Credits:  4


By 19th January 2024, participants are requested to join the following MS Teams group:



Once accepted in the Teams group, students have to fill the following .xlsx file with their

information (i.e., Student name and surname, e-mail, name of the PhD course, PhD cycle):


The course is conducted on-site. However, students pursuing their PhD period abroad (for

research purposes) have the option to request remote attendance for classes via MS Teams.

For information: Prof. Raffaele Della Corte (DIETI, UniNA) – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






23-25-30/01/2024  01-06-08/02/2024     Ad hoc course



Title: Using Deep Learning properly


Lecturer:  dr. Andrea Apicella - Dieti - Unina - 


Period:  23-25-30/01/2024  01-06-08/02/2024

Assessment test:   TBD

Lesson: 6

Credits:  4

The lectures are held in C2A room, ground floor of building #3, via Claudio 21, Napoli

Participants are requested to join the following MS Teams group:

Once accepted in the Teams group, students have to fill the following .xlsx file with their information:


For information: Andrea Apicella, Ph.D. (DIETI, UniNA) – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 Using Deep Learning properly


10-17-24/01 - 1-7-14-21-28/02 - 6/03/2024   Ad hoc course


Title: How to boost your PhD 


Lecturer:  prof. Antigone Marino - CNR-ISASI - Physics Department - University of Naples Federico II - 


Period:  10-17-24/01 - 1-7-14-21-28/02 - 6/03/2024


Hours: 18

Credits:  5

All lectures are in room 0M03 in the Department of Physics, Complesso
Universitario di Monte Sant’Angelo, via Cinthia, Napoli



Ph.D. Students interested in the module are required to register at this link:
The course will be held ONLY IN PRESENCE


For information: Prof. ANTIGONE MARINO - tel. 081 676342This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 How to boost



                                                                              Ad hoc course


Title:  Statistical data analysis for science and engineering research



Lecturer:  prof. Roberto Pietrantuono - DIETI, Unina


Period:  15-19-21-23-27-29/02/2024


Assessment test:  TBD


Credits:  4 


Lectures are also streamed on the University platform Microsoft Teams. Team Code: 82w8tmr


The lectures are held in Aula Seminari 1° floor of building #3, via Claudio 21, Napoli - DIETI


Doctoral Students interested in the module are requested to join the team (code 82w8tmr) and fill in

the “Participants Info” file available under the “File” tab.


For information: Prof. Roberto Pietrantuono (DIETI, UniNA) – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




 Statistical Data Analysis

08-11-15-19-23-25-29-31/01/2024  05-07-26/02/2024

                                                                              Ad hoc course


Title:  Virtualization technologies and their applications



Lecturer:  prof. Luigi De Simone- DIETI, Unina


Period:  08-11-15-19-23-25-29-31/01/2024  05-07-26/02/2024


Assessment test:  26/02/2024


Credits:  5 


The lectures are held in C2A room, ground floor of building #3, via Claudio 21, Napoli


By 7th January 2024, participants are requested to join the following MS Teams group:


Once accepted in the Teams group, students must fill the following .xlsx file with their information (i.e., Student name and surname, e-mail, name of the PhD course, PhD cycle):


The course is conducted on-site (the classrooms will be announced in the coming days). However, students pursuing their PhD period abroad (for research purposes) have the option to request remote attendance for classes via MS Teams.


For information: Prof. Luigi De Simone (DIETI, UniNA) – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Web-page: )


 Virtual Tech


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News XL Cycle


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